Home > Releases > Margaret's Chidren (Track 5)


An Average Man
(James Fairfax 1922 - 1945)

James Fairfax was happy being ordinary; he valued routine and hated surprises and arranged his life to avoid the highs and lows that his sister Amelia seemed to thrive on.

James was actually very presentable and attractive to the opposite sex but so painfully shy that he never quite managed to speak to any of them. After an average education and showing very little aptitude for learning, James found himself a comfortable position as an accounts clerk and continued his daily routine until he received his call up papers in early spring 1941.

Upon receiving his call up, James suddenly realised that there would be no reason for anyone to remember him, as he had done nothing significant, made no mark in the world and for once in his life, he wanted to leave something behind to let people know that he had in fact existed!

Before he embarked for basic training, he visited his parents in Scotland and while he was there wandering in the grounds, he found a tiny sapling struggling for light between the tall trees and so he dug it up and wrapped it up carefully in newspaper. The next day, he took the long walk to the ruins of the home of his distant ancestor, Margaret Montgomery* which stood some miles away amongst the heather and besides a lonely tarn.

Feeling a sense of peace and connection with the world that he had never felt before, James unwrapped the sapling and planted it by the lake next to the ruins of Margaret's cottage.

James never returned to Scotland, he was killed in the battle of Berlin 1945. Two years later his remains were repatriated and his ashes scattered under the tree that he had planted and which continued to grow and thrive long after his death.

* Please refer to the prequel album "Anser's Tree"












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