born in 1967, wanted nothing more than to be a fisherman.
His love of the sea knew no bounds
and his respect for the laws of nature made him one of
the safest skippers to sail with.
David enjoyed the life of a fisherman
but his active mind wouldn’t remain quiet during
the hours of waiting and so he also studied weather
patterns and natural
phenomena to pass the time on the long evenings' watch
and when his boat was birthed.
He gained a Bsc. in
Meteorology and
an Msc. in Climatology through distance learning
courses and he also took a keen interest in and studied
geology. His crew called him 'The Professor'.
disturbances in weather patterns and seismic activity
resulting in the Australian, South American, South African
and Japanese Tsunamis in 2010/2011 piqued his interest
so he began
to form
the theory
this could be the beginning of irreversible changes to
the planets crust, weather systems and Magnetic North
which might lead to a continental shift similar to
the one that broke apart Pangaea...however, this time
it would be significantly faster and far more violent.
A strong father and mentor, David passed his love
of all things natural along to his son Adam (as well
as his concerns). Fiercely proud
of his son's achievements and academic career, David
supported all the work that Adam did
to bring
these global issues to the attention
World's governments and media,
(sadly with little effect).*
David died in 2022 before he witnessed
the devastating
floods and seismic activity that he predicted.
* Please refer to the prequel album "Anser's